
2018-02-09 七一党建专题 阅读:

After reading the para9, we just learn the competitive showoffs are always outshined. A chief reason is that they didn’t want to be a fail. In some times, it is acceptable, and forgivable. Everyone has self-esteem. We maybe not do as the showoffs, but in fact we would consider their speech and told ourselves that was easy to approach. In the modern society, we faced a lot of stress, showing off could bring ourselves more confidence. It relaxes us. And when we graduate from university, we would find a job, and in the interview, we should show more confidence, so it could leave a good impression to the manager of the company. If we don’t show this, we might lose this chance. Despite we might brag some reality; it still helps us a lot. So in opinion, competitive showoffs just do what they like to do. It’s not a serious problem. The showoffs just want to win in every time.?



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